Saturday, April 13, 2013

Heavenly Hummus

Hummus is a chickpea based spread that originates from the Middle East.  Hummus usually consists of chickpeas (also referred to as garbanzo beans), tahini, lemon juice, olive oil and garlic.  Hummus is extremely high in nutritional content.  I want to mention some of these amazing nutritional benefits you can get by incorporating hummus into your meal plans or lunch menu.  Hummus is high in fiber and protein which contributes to the feeling of satisfaction that comes from a serving of hummus.  Adding more fiber to your diet is an easy way to cut cholesterol,  manage blood sugar, alleviate symptoms of IBS, and lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease. There are compounds in the chickpeas as well as the tahini that help to maintain youthful and healthy looking skin. The molybdenum detoxes your skin by removing sulfites.  Sulfites are food preservatives that can cause wrinkles.  It's also been proven by several modern studies that tahini also has anti-aging qualities. Tahini, one of the main ingredients, is a paste made from ground up sesame seeds.  Sesame seeds are a good source of an amino acid methionine.  Methionine helps to detoxify the liver as well as help the body absorb other amino acids.  Tahini contains a handful of B vitamins which are crucial to healthy cell growth and division, as well as supporting a healthy metabolism and boosting your immune system.  Tahini is also very high in calcium, which of course we need to maintain strong bones and muscles.  Calcium also helps the nervous system function more optimally by assisting the nerves in sending messages between the brain all of the body parts.  Here is my recipe for Hummus:

1\2 cup tahini
juice from 3 lemons
2 cans garbanzo beans
up to 3 garlic cloves
1 cup water
1/4 cup Olive oil
up to 1/2 tsp celtic sea salt
handful of cilantro or parsley
1/2 tsp cumin
pinch of paprika
(optional) toasted pine nuts

Start by putting the tahini and lemon in the food processor and blend for about 45 seconds.  Then, simply add the rest of the ingredients on the list, and puree until desired consistency.  For an added yum factor, add some toasted pine nuts on top:)    It's that easy!  Enjoy your hummus with some raw veggies or pita bread.  Hummus is something many toddlers also enjoy because they love to dip!  It's mostly raw, glutin-free, vegetarian and definitely delicious!  It's a great thing also to bring for a picnic or to a potluck.  Give it a try and let me know how it goes :)

For more information or for some health and wellness tips, come check out my website at For a free health consultation, please contact me at

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Why Downward-Facing Dog brings so much relief

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is a great way to start your practice.  Remember that every single part of your practice is a big deal to your body.  This may look like a simple pose, but the first time I tried this pose I couldn't last more than a few seconds before discomfort hit, and what felt like unbearable pain wasn't far behind.  After spending the time it takes to become more comfortable in the pose, it eventually becomes a position of rest during a standing sequence.  I find this posture a great one to start my practice with because it allows me to really shift my world around, as half of my body is in an inverted position for the first time of the day.  This alone feels incredibly relieving.  Gravity has an impact on us either way, but if we can switch it around at least a few minutes a day, we can shift our whole bio-chemistry and our bodies will thank us tremendously! All day long gravity puts so much pressure on our joints, organs, and our skin.  Reversing this can be an amazing opportunity to restore our energy or re-direct an attitude that isn't serving us to one that is in alignment with our intention of our day or practice.  While you are strengthening your wrists and hands, shoulder blade area and back, you are lengthening the hamstrings, cervical spine, and lower back.  Incorporating this posture into your daily practice will help to correct the alignment of your spine and can truly transform your posture.  I will walk you through how to get into this posture from Child's Pose.
  • Begin by sliding the arms out in front of you with palms down as you tuck your toes under to send your tailbone straight up.
  • Your hands should be about shoulder-width apart while your feet are hip-width apart.
  • Spread your fingers evenly and press the knuckles of your index fingers down.
  • Press your thighs back towards the wall behind you as you engage the muscles by squeezing them to the bone.  
  • Shake your head forward and back a couple times to release any tension in the cervical spine.
  • Make sure to roll the shoulder blades down the back as you spread them apart.
  • Try bending the knees to get a straighter line in your spine as you press your hands down more firmly and pull the hips up and back.
  •  Just take the time to notice any imbalances you may feel or postural habits, or places you may be compensating.    
  • Try to bring some life into the legs by pressing the heels down and gaze back between the legs.
  • Let your brain enjoy the sudden surge of blood and oxygen that comes from assuming the inverted "V" position and releasing the muscles in your neck, allowing the artery that carries the oxygen-rich blood to your brain to dilate and flow more freely.
  • Press your hands down as you lift your pelvis up and back.  Repeat this movement over and over again until you have achieved a straight line from your hands, through your shoulders, along your spine up to to your hips.
  • Lift your navel center towards the spine and remember to breathe deeply into areas of discomfort or tightness and watch the energy shift throughout your body.
  • Try and enjoy being in this position and play with variations such as one legged down dog or flip the dog, etc.
Now go find your dog and have a wonderful practice :)

For more information or for some health and wellness tips, come check out my website at  For a free health consultation, please contact me at

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why hip openers are critical to reducing stress and ease in overall movement

I know I have super duper tight hips, always have.  This is why it's so important for me to incorporate hip openers in every exercise session or yoga practice I do.  I can tell you that no matter who you are, these will be a crucial element to reducing stress and risk of injury, as well as allowing for improved posture and more ease in overall movement.  Our glutes, groins, and psoas get a wonderful stretch which will help to alleviate sciatic pain and discomfort.  Athletes will improve their performance tremendously and feel dramatically less sore if they utilize hip openers in their training.  We commonly store anxiety, tension, and emotional traumas in our hips, making hip openers even more critical to wellness in a holistic sense.  There are many hip opening postures to choose from and they are all unique in form and impact.   I will outline Pigeon Pose here, but some others that are equally as effective are Reclined Bound Angle Pose, Frog Pose, Happy Baby, Eye of the Needle, and Cow Face (one of my favorites)!
Pigeon Pose- Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

To get into Half Pigeon Pose:
  1. Start on all fours, wrists slightly forward of your shoulders and knees directly below your hips.
  2. Slide your right knee towards your right hand while you extend your left leg straight back dropping the front of your left thigh towards the floor. 
  3. Slowly and to your degree of flexibility, slide your right foot forwards until you feel you have reached your edge.  
  4. Make sure your hips and shoulders are square to the front of your mat and your left leg is straight back.
  5. Continue to adjust as needed and work your edge, making sure you feel a good stretch but not taking it too far as to risk a knee injury. 
  6. If props are something you like to experiment with, you can use a block or rolled up blanket under your right upper thigh\ hip. 
  7. Puff your chest up, look up and back as you slide the shoulder blades down your back.
  8. Then start to slide the palms of your hands forward while making sure your hips and shoulders are still square to the floor and front of the mat.  Continue to lower down as needed without pain, and breathe.
  9. Take 5 full breaths here, more as desired but 5 at the minimum.
  10. There are more advanced versions (One-Legged King Pigeon Pose) and also modifications for this if this is too much stretch for you right now, such as Eye of the Needle.
~ May your practice be infused with feelings of joy and abundance:)
If you are interested in a free health consultation, please visit me at
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Sunday, February 24, 2013

"It's how we relate to things that causes us to suffer"

“It isn't the things that happen to us in our lives that cause us to suffer, it's how we relate to the things that happen to us that causes us to suffer.”
~   Pema Chödrön

I just think this is SO relevant to our every moment of every day experience.  If we can wake up every day and remind ourselves of this, we have the opportunity to redirect and transform our lives!  We so often want to blame our emotions on our situation, or our actions on what types of behaviors have been thrusted onto us by our co-workers, family or friends. 

If we could just take a moment to ourselves..... after something troubling happens..... to remember that we have a choice.  We have a choice to either allow the situation to trigger a negative quality of feeling, or to consciously choose to respond in a way that benefits our well-being in the grand scheme of things.  Sometimes this means confronting something challenging within us to take us to a place of peace. Sometimes it may mean choosing to replace the negative thoughts that are flooding our mind with thoughts that inspire positive emotions. 

We always have a choice in where we focus our attention.  I find that sometimes when things feel completely unbearable,  I try simply putting my awareness on my breath watching it move in and out.  After a minute or two of this, I feel like the situation has less of a grip on my thoughts and emotions.  It gives me some space between me and the situation.  With that, I can redirect my internal experience to a better place.  When I remember to do this in the heat of the moment, it greatly benefits me and can change the whole course of my day.

Other times it may mean practicing compassion or forgiveness towards another person, and then letting it go and moving along with our day.  Sometimes this task alone can feel next to impossible.  If we could see that the alternative of getting angry only feeds on itself, to the point of potentially ruining our entire day, we may try something else!  So next time something happens that brings up negative emotions within you, see if you can try something different.  Try relating to what happened in a new way.  If you do what you have always done, you're going to get what you've always gotten.  So try something different and see what happens.  You may be surprised!

If you are interested in a free health consultation, please visit me at
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    Tuesday, February 19, 2013

    Apples - Yummy & PACKED with cancer fighting ingredients!

    Here are some of the countless nutritional benefits of apples.  Both the inside as well as the skin on the apple is packed with cancer fighting ingredients.  There has been significant research at Cornell University identifying which compounds contain anti-growth activities against cancer cells in the liver, colon, pancreas and breast.  Studies showed a 39% decrease in risk of breast cancer in mice that consumed 3 apples a day!  Due to the high levels of flavonoids, quercetin and naringin in apples, eating an apple-enhanced diet may also reduce risk in developing lung and pancreatic cancer.  The pectin in the apple as well as an extract from the apple skin can reduce risk of colon cancer.  Pectin is also been known to assist in a healthy digestive system and help in the management of diabetes.

    Apples have been shown to reduce wheezing in children with asthma who drink at least one glass of apple juice per day.  Research has indicated that children born from mothers who have consumed a lot of apples during pregnancy have lower rates of asthma then children born from mothers consuming little to no apples during pregnancy.

    There is also a substance in apples called quercetin.  Quercetin is an antioxidant that can help to boost immunity, protecting you from harmful free radicals that can cause cancers and infections in the body.  Another study indicated that the quercetin in apples may reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease by fighting aging on the brain. 

    Boron, another ingredient in apples, strengthens our bones by increasing bone density.  The soluble fiber content in apples can assist in a number of things including IBS, managing blood sugar, lowering cholesterol levels, and reducing any risk of diabetes and heart disease.  The fiber is the part of plant foods that isn't digested by the body, but instead passes through the intestines and assists in the movement of other materials.  High fiber foods can help in weight management since they are usually less "energy dense", which means they have fewer calories for the same amount of content.  Foods high in fiber will make you feel fuller longer, which can help to prevent overeating.

    Try dipping apples in almond butter or peanut butter for an even more filling snack.
    Try adding apples to butternut squash soups like this recipe:

    Here is a link for a delicious Vegan Apple Crisp:

    You can simply bake apples for an easy kid-friendly snack or dessert.  To make it even more exciting, try adding a sauce on top like this one:

    If you are interested in a free health consultation, please visit me at
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      Tuesday, January 22, 2013

      How 30 minutes of Yoga a day will change your life

      Here are just a few of the innumerable benefits you will receive from just 30 minutes of Yoga a day:
      • Increased energy and vitality
      It's a common mistake to think you are "too tired to practice Yoga".  If you find yourself thinking this way, try to remember that it's the practice of Yoga that gives you energy not the other way around.  If you get stuck in waiting till you have the energy to practice, you may never find it.  Try committing to 30 minutes a day at least 5 days out of the week and see what happens.  Yoga gives us the opportunity to remove blockages of built up tension, so that our energy called prana (life-force), can flow more freely throughout the body.  Many things contribute to built up tension or "knots" in our bodies that obstruct the prana from flowing freely.  Some examples of this would be sitting for extended periods in the car, couch or office, repetitive exercise only involving targeted muscle groups,  nervousness or fear, repetitive movement in the workplace, etc.  The combination of breath and asana (sanskrit for posture) will allow oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to reach these areas that have been shut down or numb.  Instead of feeling lethargic and sore, you will feel motivated and invigorated!  During and after even one moderate to vigorous yoga session, you will feel a significant improvement in your energy and vitality.  Try it!
      • Improved emotional stability
      We don't only have physical "knots" that we have to attend to, we have stuck places emotionally and mentally speaking as well.  We have habit-forming thought patterns that we need to be conscious of so that we can create new and liberated pathways of thought.  For example, we may tell ourselves that we are not flexible enough to ever make a good Yoga teacher every time we try to get into pigeon pose.  That as a result, can lower our confidence.  Perhaps we get angry every time we get to class late because we didn't get our favorite spot in class near the door.  The cool thing about Yoga is that we are constantly reminded over and over again to pay attention to our breath.  What this does is allow us to concentrate on our physical sensations along with our breath,  something different than what is bothering us, so that our thoughts don't lead to anxiety and negative moods. Tests have indicated that Yoga practice leads to increased Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid, (GABA)-ergic activity, which contributes to an individual's ability to manage stressful situations.   
      • Improved memory and concentration
      There is an aspect of Yoga practice called Dharana.  Dharana is a sanskrit term that is defined as "unbending concentration of the mind".  This is a very effective tool that we can not only use during our yoga practice on the mat, but something we can incorporate into our every day activities.  This is the practice of focusing on one object without allowing your mind to wander off to your worries, ideas, plans for the rest of your day, etc. The idea is that we function more optimally and experience less stress when our minds are more at peace, which requires your mind to be focused and uninterrupted by internal or external distractions.  This is a technique that must be cultivated in order to see it's positive impact.  Just like we  need to exercise the body to see results, we should take the time to exercise the mind. 

      • More positive outlook on your self and life in general
      Yoga incorporates the practices of reflection, gratitude, relaxation, body-mind connection, spiritual awareness, all of which lead to positive mood-states.  Yoga releases toxins from both your body and mind, and in that way has a powerful cleansing effect.  Many of our traumas get lodged into our muscles as stuck energy.  As we practice the asanas, we allow these lodged traumas to be healed through mindful stretching with breath.  As you bring nourishing oxygenated blood flow to the targeted tension, the lodged energy will be released and healing will occur.  You will find yourself feeling lighter and less burdened by negative experiences of the past.  Focusing inward without judgement will give you the opportunity to practice self-acceptance which will then lead to an increase in confidence and self-esteem.  When you cultivate your self-esteem and confidence, your everyday experiences are driven by positive motivations, with less focus being placed on your fears.  Your external environment feels more friendly and less threatening.

      • Increased self awareness and self-control
      You will find that with a regular yoga practice, you start to become much more aware of how you hold yourself when you are sitting, standing, or interacting with others.  Our posture is directly related to our self-confidence.  In yoga, you are working with your alignment, your confidence, and your ability to focus and manage stress.  Each one of these aspects of yoga practice contributes to enhanced self-awareness and self-control.   Each and every time you come to your mat is another opportunity to practice self-awareness in simply being with your experience fully and whole-heartedly without judgement.  The subtle shifts you make, no matter how slowly they occur, have a tremendous impact on your posture and self-confidence.  The more aware of your self that you are, the more in control you feel.  This relates to being in control of the direction you are moving in life.  Yoga is unique in that you use the breath to bridge the mind and body.  With more of a mind-body connectedness, we feel less fragmented and instead, more connected internally and externally.  Yoga helps us become clear and insightful into our relationships with others and in our daily experiences.

      The next time you are approached with the opportunity to take a Yoga class, reconsider any judgements or hesitations you may have, and give it a try!  Don't just try one class.  Explore various teachers and various styles until you find one that resonates with you.  Stick with this for a good month or two, and by then you will be hooked!  Once your body starts opening up and detoxing, you will quickly find yourself craving more. 

      "It is so, so simple: We get what we give.  If we respect our bodies, they will be our vessels for transformation."  -Baron Baptiste


      Thursday, January 10, 2013

      8 easy ways to avoid the afternoon slump during the workday

      • Breathe Deeper.  This may seem so simple but it's so easy to forget!  Fuller breaths through the nose will dramatically improve mood and alertness by increasing the amount of oxygen to the brain and throughout the body.  Deep breathing is also your body's inherent anti stress agent. By increasing your lung capacity, you lower your heart rate and blood pressure.  Most people somehow survive on using only 20% of their lung capacity.  Imagine how much more energy you would experience if you used more like 60 or 80%?  Due to the fact that it's so easy to forget this simple tip, it may help to put a note up on your desk or to set an alarm on your phone to remind you every hour or so. 
      • Get up and walk around.  The more often you can get up and walk around, the more the blood circulates to throughout your body which will leave you feeling substantially more energized.  Sitting for long periods of time will have damaging physiological consequences, so try taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or getting up to talk to your colleagues instead of sending intra-office emails.  If you are sedentary for too long, your body stops breaking up fat in the bloodstream which causes an accumulation of fat in your liver, heart and brain.  Not only are you improving your physical fitness through conscious movement, you are improving intellectual performance as well.  Some offices even go as far as to take standing or walking meetings.  Basically, look for any opportunity to get up and walk around even if it's to pick something up off the printer instead of rolling your chair over to the printer. 
      • Stretch.  You can do various stretches right there at your desk.  If you don't feel comfortable with that, you may choose to take a bathroom stretch break.  I would recommend some forward to side neck rolls and some backbends you can do standing, coupled with some standing forward bends.  Twists and side stretches are also essential in avoiding lower back pain by keeping the spine lubricated and increasing flexibility in your obliques, abdminals and back muscles.  It's easy for the muscles to quickly become short and tight, so give yourself some type of stretch break at least once every 30 minutes or so if possible.     
      • Exercise during your lunch break.  Do not take your lunch break for granted.  This is such an important time of the day to exercise.  If you work close to home, drive home and get in a Yoga session or an exercise DVD.  If you can't get home during your break then try changing your shoes and even your clothes if needed, to get in a short walk or run.   
      • Drink more water.  Drinking plenty of water can improve many things including your immune, digestive, and nervous system.  Your joints, muscles and skin need enough water to remain lubricated in order to function optimally.  Water can aid in losing weight, improving cognitive functioning, and detoxify your system.  A lack of water can cause headaches, constipation, kidney problems, and dry skin.  In conclusion, drinking more water will help you stay more alert, healthy, and happy throughout the day.
      • Instead of one big lunch, try eating mini meals more often.  The idea behind eating smaller meals more frequently is that it ensures a steady supply of blood sugar, allows you to metabolize calories more efficiently, and gives the body more opportunity to absorb proper vitamins and minerals.  Blood sugar spikes and crashes contribute to overeating and mood swings which lead to tiredness and fatigue.  If you switch from 2-3 larger meals to mini-meals about every 3 hours, your diet can be more varied which will allow you to incorporate proper food- combining for improved digestion.  Keeping your blood sugar regulated will dramatically improve your mood and energy level. 
      • Visualize achieving your dreams.  If you can devote simply 20 minutes a day to practicing this powerful visualization technique, you will improve your overall mental\emotional well being dramatically.  Try imagining how you would feel if all your dreams came true for a minute.  How would this make you feel?  Probably pretty good if not amazing!  It is been experienced by many that what you focus on attracts what you create in your life.  If you can spend at least 20 minutes a day visualizing what your life would look like and how you would feel as a result of your goals being achieved, you will find that your energy moves in that direction.  As a consequence your mind will be creative in finding ways to achieve those goals.  I know for myself that when I am imagining how it will feel to achieve a certain goal I have in mind, I immediately feel more positive energy.  
      • Avoid added sugar.  The average American diet consists of far more sugar than is necessary for optimal functioning.   It's also important to note that the form of sugar most Americans consume is not in the form that is most effectively used to maintain a stable blood sugar level throughout the day.  In order for our cells to receive the necessary fuel to perform at best, the glucose in the bloodstream needs to be stable.  If you consume an abundance of processed sugar, the levels of glucose in the bloodstream increase rapidly resulting in a sugar crash and a craving for more sugar.  This cycle repeats itself until you avoid added sugar entirely.  If you can manage your blood sugar, your immune system will improve along with your mood and energy levels. Try and do away with the pick me up sodas, candy bars, donuts and baked goods made with white flour. 
      Next time you are feeling a bit down at work, give some of these tips a try and see what happens.

        If you are interested in a free health consultation, please visit me at
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